Thursday, September 4, 2008

Storm Chaser

I have a confession to make, I am a natural disaster freak. I love huge amounts of snow in the winter and the wilder the thunderstorm in summer, the better. I do not anticipate or long for loss of property or life, I just love the show. I was sooooooooo excited about Hanna earlier in the week. We are now only to receive a glancing blow. If I hated storms, we would have a major one every week. Matt thinks I am a little certifiable over this. I have a feeling our friends Bill and Susan would agree. If I ever stop having children and taking care of them on an hourly basis, I think I will become a weathergirl. I probably will refrain from singing "It's Raining Men" though.


Bill & Susan said...

If by loving them it is keeping them away, then I say "Love is a Beautiful Thing" Certifiable? Maybe but we love you just the same.

Jeremiah Jacob Brown said...

Kathy, this is hilarious...I think it would be awesome seeing you on T.V. giving us the weather and performing, "It's Raining Men!" Cyndi and I love and miss you guys!