Monday, August 25, 2008


No it is nothing like a vision on the isle of Patmos but startling in its own right. I have gotten used to being in the minority around here. The only female in a house with 5 males is definitely lop-sided. The only notable upside is that I get to use the bathroom alone (usually). I realized today that two females in this house full of gentlemen will actually even things out quite nicely. Anyone who knows anything about women, knows that 2 like-minded, estrogen filled females is enough to turn the tide on any number of affable, loving, and adoring men. I have overcome!!! I can hear Helen Readdy singing in the background, "I am woman hear me roar we are too big to ignore"!!!! A new era is about to dawn.....

1 comment:

Bill & Susan said...

Heaven help us all. She is using a Helan Reddy song in her blog. What could come next, am afraid could it be a Gloria Steinem quote.