Friday, August 1, 2008

Slow Down And Breathe

Whew! What a week we are having! Matt took the week off for our family vacation. We gave the boys the option of Pennsylvania and Hershey World or Florida and Disney. We took a family vote and had a write in vote for staying in Charleston and doing stuff around here that we usually don't get to. It was unanimous with the kids and that is exactly what we have been doing. Monday started slowly because of groceries and a Dr. appointment. We did go to see Journey To The Center Of The Earth. That turned out to be really good. Tuesday we went to Charlestowne Landing (The sight of the original settlement) We did the whole thing and even had a picnic in the shade. Wednesday we spent time at a beach that we don't usually go to, Beachwalker Park out on Kiawah. Thursday we went to Myrtle Beach and had dinner at Captain George's (our favorite seafood buffet). Today we went to the Charleston Museum, they had an exhibit on shoes!!!!! The boys really loved it. I'm not sure what the rest of the weekend has in store but we are really having a blast. Side note, the Dr. says that all is well and the baby is doing fine. We have a name but we are waiting to tell until she is here. We are still working on getting all the stuff she needs.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So glad y'all had a good time. I think it's a great idea to have a STAY-cation. Sounds fun!! We love and miss you guys. Come visit if you want!!