Wednesday, April 16, 2008

McDonalds Coke

I think the government should start checking the fountain cokes at McDonalds for crack. I really think there is something addictive about them. I can't stop drinking the things. A favorite daydream of mine lately involves me lying under a running fountain machine with my mouth open. I craved a fountain Sun-drop when I was pregnant with Seth. The boys and I would go get a 32oz. every day. I have a hard time getting Sun-drop down here, not to even mention the fountain kind. I am pleased to report that tonight will be night 8 with no nausea!!! I was beginning to think that I needed to just be put out of all of our misery. I still don't have much of an appetite, but keep the coca cola coming!

1 comment:

The Gardner Gang said...

Amen! However the McDonalds coke is not just a pregnant thing. My Uncle Jerald loves them. He simply must have them. I don't know what is in them either they taste like the cup to me. Ah to each his or her own. Glad to hear the ick is pasing. Love ya!