Thursday, January 31, 2008

All Things To All People

What is fair? There really is nothing in life that is fair. We were never told that it would be. So why on earth do we all go looking for this myth? My children were all born with "fair" tattooed on their brains. I have never set out to disillusion them, and still they demand for everything to be fair. Matt and I have spent the better part of 14 years telling them that their reward comes later. They were never promised that life would be fair or easy, only that they would receive eternal life through Christ Jesus. We are even told that we are not of this world, that we are aliens. That should tell us that the pie will not always be cut into equal pieces. I love my four sons. I do not enjoy the feeling of being torn into parts to satisfy the mob. I love them all the same, priorities have to shift according to need and convenience. I do not have a vendetta against any of them at any time, only a desire to help. I think that I am going to purpose to be a loving and obedient daughter to my King and pray that the "fair" mother stuff gets sorted out in the wash.

Monday, January 28, 2008

True Love

Have you ever thought about how many times a day we use the word love? I love chocolate, I love these shoes, I love that movie... I have been thinking about the real meaning of the word. Websters defines love as " a deep and tender feeling of affection and attachment to a person or persons." Try as I might, I don't see anything in there about Hersheys or even Keds. We use that word so carelessly, I look into the eyes of my children and see it there. I can feel the love they have for me, from the teenager on down the ranks to the baby. I know what I feel when I think about them and my husband,and shoes don't hold a candle. Now for the part that really blows me away. "For God so LOVED me He gave his only son..." God loves me, He has a deep and tender feeling of affection and attachment for ME!!!!! How cool is that? I am amazed that He can love me even more than I love my boys or they love me. I think Websters should have a new category for that kind of love. True love.

Friday, January 25, 2008

How Much Phlegm Can A 23lb Body Hold???

The Beam Family has a cold. Well, not the whole family, just the three smallest ones. Joey started "it" while we were on the youth retreat, so my mom got the brunt of that one. Seth was getting "it" when we got back. David has had "it" since Thursday morning. Josh and I have been desperately trying to get "it" but so far no luck(we both want time off). I think that Seth has probably had the worst time. Last night was the first time all week that he slept through (I have been awakened every 10 minutes to hear that he loves me, has a giant cough, and is not feeling well. I also get him coughing directly in my mouth. Ain't parenthood grand!) I think that there has got to be some untapped use for all that phlegm. I mean really, we use manure for fertilizer, surely there is something we can do with it instead of wrapping it up in lotion coated kleenex!!!!!! I hate to be vulgar or gross(not really I just try to look good) Lets get together out there scientists of the world. I'm sure that in a time of warfare, snot bombs would be just as effective as an explosive one. Who could take themselves seriously if they were covered in goo? World peace is just one cold and flu season away. Maybe I should think about a patent.....

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

I Have Been Replaced

I know, I know, I offered to go on the youth trip. I know, I know, it was wonderful of my mom to come all the way to Charleston to keep the little boys so we could go. I think I now know what the injured quarterback feels like watching the second string guy throw completed pass after completed pass. Mom did such a wonderful job with Joey and Seth that they have asked everyday since she left if she could live with us. Seth tells me 20 times a day that he misses Nannie and asks where she is. Seriously, I am so blessed to have a mom who drops everything in her life to try and help us out or to make things easier for us. She is great with the kids and is just a great mom and grandmother. To really tell you how great she is, she did all of my laundry!!!! For those of you that know my mom, that just ain't her. I am really trying to look into everyday life at all the ordinary stuff and see all the extraordinary blessings that God bestows on me all the time. Thank you Lord that you have blessed all of us with a wonderful Nannie.

Monday, January 14, 2008

A Professional 2 Year Old

Philip Seth Beam has found his calling. That's right folks, he has taken the art of the two-year-old to new and daring heights. Not only does he have a tantrum when he doesn't get his way, he also has one when he does. His favorite time of day is early in the morning when he spends time over breakfast with Matt. Today he asked for a pop-tart. Matt jumped to do his bidding and brought it right out. When the requested tart was presented to him, he put himself in the corner to pout. He screams when you do, he screams when you don't. Go figure. The blessing I got from this was that at least this tantrum was quiet since his brothers were still asleep. I wonder what he'll do when he turns three since he is so good at two?

Thursday, January 10, 2008

A Day In The Life

You get a real glimpse of the word you live in sometimes through the eyes of your children. Tonight I had the rare honor of explaining a "meth lab" to my sons. We were driving home from the library and happened upon a drug raid. Needless to say, the flashing police lights caught the attention of the younger two, but the handcuffed culprit writhing on the ground is what the older boys noticed. No matter how safe and protected you try to make their world, the "real world" seeps in. I don't want to keep them in a bubble, I just want to let reality in as they are old enough to handle it. I looked at this as a teachable moment and we all (yes, even Seth) discussed the horrors of drug abuse. I let them know that you can allow yourself to be enslaved by lots of things, drugs, the internet, tv.... I am so glad that I am the one to talk this through with them. I guess you should look for blessings in every part of life. One of mine came today in the form of a drug bust. God is so good!!!

Monday, January 7, 2008

Thank God Almighty Paid At Last

I mean that as a prayer, not in vain. As most of you know, Matt has not been paid by his company since the first week in October. We like to say he has gone on to volunteer. Well, on Friday he received (and immediately deposited) his first check in 3 months. I would love to say that I have been an amazing and supporting wife through this ordeal but that would be a lie. My dear husband has prayed over this and felt that staying with the company was what the Lord wanted from him. He stayed the course and was faithful. I am so proud of him and his faith. For those of you that know Matt, he loves a black bottom line!!!!! This was no easy thing for a man that loves to save, to trust when there is no money coming in and 6 people to take care of (1 of whom literally grows an inch a week). God has been so gracious and loving and generous. All of our bills were paid, nothing was late. No one went without, even for Christmas. The boys all got what they wanted. Our family pulled together and trusted in the Lord and He rode us right through the roughest storm yet. Even the boys were great. The oldest knew what was going on and they told us privately to make sure the little ones had a nice Christmas and worry about them later. My Lord Jesus didn't just give me life, He iced the cake with a family that awes me and humbles me to the core. Like I said before, Praise My God Almighty, for He is Worthy to be Praised.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy Birthday to the New Year!!!!

Can you believe it is 2008 already? I find myself writing 1998 sometimes, so I know I'm in for it. 2007 has been a year of the trial and miracle. Our family has gone through one of our most trying tests of faith financially. It isn't over yet, but I am so glad to say that God has carried us through beautifully. He is forever amazing me with the depth of love He shows us. The boys had a great Christmas and Matt and I loved watching them. We got to go home to NC and see family and friends which was nice. I have some photos to put on my blog, Matt just has to get them in the right file and then I will share. Until then, enjoy this.