Monday, January 7, 2008

Thank God Almighty Paid At Last

I mean that as a prayer, not in vain. As most of you know, Matt has not been paid by his company since the first week in October. We like to say he has gone on to volunteer. Well, on Friday he received (and immediately deposited) his first check in 3 months. I would love to say that I have been an amazing and supporting wife through this ordeal but that would be a lie. My dear husband has prayed over this and felt that staying with the company was what the Lord wanted from him. He stayed the course and was faithful. I am so proud of him and his faith. For those of you that know Matt, he loves a black bottom line!!!!! This was no easy thing for a man that loves to save, to trust when there is no money coming in and 6 people to take care of (1 of whom literally grows an inch a week). God has been so gracious and loving and generous. All of our bills were paid, nothing was late. No one went without, even for Christmas. The boys all got what they wanted. Our family pulled together and trusted in the Lord and He rode us right through the roughest storm yet. Even the boys were great. The oldest knew what was going on and they told us privately to make sure the little ones had a nice Christmas and worry about them later. My Lord Jesus didn't just give me life, He iced the cake with a family that awes me and humbles me to the core. Like I said before, Praise My God Almighty, for He is Worthy to be Praised.


The Gardner Gang said...

Praise the Lord. I knew you guys would make it. I am so proud of you all especially Josh and David. They are growing into wonderful young men. Iam proud to say I changed their diapers. :) Love to you all. Im glad that the Lord let us be a part of your lives.

Anonymous said...

Hey Mrs. Kathy,
Your blog is awesome! I will definitely check it out often. I'm glad ya'll had a great Christmas. God is amazing!


Bill & Susan said...

Your story would certainly inspire most people. Your faithfulness brings Praise to God. Funny as we go through our daily lives how it is easy to get trapped in the moment and not look at the long term. Matt's faith kept him doing something he knew to be the right thing and your faith in him, allowed you to keep the family together, where many families without faith or with little faith would have folded up. You say you are proud of him. Susan and I would say that we are amazed and inspired by both of you and your boys well.