Thursday, January 10, 2008

A Day In The Life

You get a real glimpse of the word you live in sometimes through the eyes of your children. Tonight I had the rare honor of explaining a "meth lab" to my sons. We were driving home from the library and happened upon a drug raid. Needless to say, the flashing police lights caught the attention of the younger two, but the handcuffed culprit writhing on the ground is what the older boys noticed. No matter how safe and protected you try to make their world, the "real world" seeps in. I don't want to keep them in a bubble, I just want to let reality in as they are old enough to handle it. I looked at this as a teachable moment and we all (yes, even Seth) discussed the horrors of drug abuse. I let them know that you can allow yourself to be enslaved by lots of things, drugs, the internet, tv.... I am so glad that I am the one to talk this through with them. I guess you should look for blessings in every part of life. One of mine came today in the form of a drug bust. God is so good!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep blogging Kathy. You have so much to offer from family insight, marriage, teaching, etc. to just the humor and fun of being a part of your great family!
Love you guys.