Monday, January 14, 2008

A Professional 2 Year Old

Philip Seth Beam has found his calling. That's right folks, he has taken the art of the two-year-old to new and daring heights. Not only does he have a tantrum when he doesn't get his way, he also has one when he does. His favorite time of day is early in the morning when he spends time over breakfast with Matt. Today he asked for a pop-tart. Matt jumped to do his bidding and brought it right out. When the requested tart was presented to him, he put himself in the corner to pout. He screams when you do, he screams when you don't. Go figure. The blessing I got from this was that at least this tantrum was quiet since his brothers were still asleep. I wonder what he'll do when he turns three since he is so good at two?


Anonymous said...

He will enthusiastically master it as well as he has mastered the age of 2. The great part about it is you get to share every minute of it.

The Gardner Gang said...

Heaven help us. As much as I love my kids at every age three is the most challenging. I love Nathan but I am so glad that we are over the hump on his three year old year. Now just to get Ian through it. Fun fun fun. Wouldn't miss it for the world.
Love ya,

Andy Gill said...

HAHAHA! Yeah, I can totally relate! Sometimes Andy confuses himself with what he wants and gets mad at us. Dont really understand that... but he is two. I still get a kick out of Seth saying... "Hi, I'm Deaf" when you ask him who he is. Andy calls his Ses. Well, I am looking forward to ski retreat, and am so glade you guys are in my cabin! And welcome to the blog world! I added your blog to my blog list.