Tuesday, July 21, 2009

I'm Baaaaack

How could I have been so sorry and neglectful? If anybody still reads this, I promise I'll try to do better. The summer has flown by! The kids are so great, Josh is working hard on relaxing in the driver's seat. He gets his license in October and is still a little tense. David is rockin' the house daily and doing a great job. He is looking at becoming a rock star (is Van Halen hiring?). Joe is 7 and that should explain everything. He is struggling with babyish tendencies and looking and feeling more grown up. His legs are so long now he reminds me of a colt. Seth is almost 4 and has pretty much abandoned the three year-old tantrum thing. He is a master of manipulation though. He has his brothers completely in tow. Then there is Annabeth. What could I possibly say about her? She is beautiful, funny, fashion conscious, and adorable. I can't believe she is almost 10 months old! Matt and I are just trying to keep up with all the growing and changing our brood does every day. I still sit back and wonder how one woman could be so blessed!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Vacation, Have To Get Away

Yes, I am sitting here with songs from the Go-Gos streaming through my brain. We are a little more than a week away from our departure for Maine. Who would have thought that a cabin in the woods,by a spring-fed, ice cold lake would have me this excited? Yet, here I sit, contemplating my packing list. We take Josh and David to camp next Monday, and pick them up Friday on our way!!!!! I will promise to blog and Facebook about our trip while we are gone, then give you all the low down when we get back (complete with all the Sethisms) Bye-Bye

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Cats, Prozac, And The State of The World

For all of you who have come into my home for the last 6 years, you know that we have a very weird, very fat, very mean cat. He isn't just regular cat mean, he is kinda psycho. You can be petting the thing with him purring as loud as he can and all of a sudden CHOMP, he bites you. Sparky started out mean but he was so darn cute, we learned to live with it. Well, at 16 pounds, he outweighs Annabeth and actively hunts Joey. Seth is pretty much safe (who really wants to tackle him right?). We came to the tough decision that we would have to do something about the cat. We talked to our vet who agrees that he is unadoptable but offered a trial before we take the last step. It seems our dear Sparky was separated from his mother too early (stray, no mom in sight, we're off the hook for that one) and has personality issues (really? You don't say!) He is aggressive, and antisocial and generally high strung. Her solution was to put the cat on Prozac to see if he mellowed out. Matt's first question was of course, "How much?" His next line was that if it came in suppository form Sparky was out of luck. My friend told me to hide all of the kitty knives and not to leave out any balls of yarn. I guess my real dilemma is this, Cat, Prozac, GET REAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Babies, Bugs and Baseball

The season has begun! David is playing for the Braves this year. Looks like he'll be on 2nd base. We had his first game tonight (don't ask the score) and since Matt was out of town I had to go it alone. Josh was gracious enough to stay at home with Joe and Seth since it was an 8pm game, but Annabeth had to come since we are attached at certain body parts. Those of you that live here in the low country know about the gnats that bite, for those of you that don't, EEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAGHHHHG! That is probably the best way to phrase it. I know it is time for ball season when you smell the distinctive fragrance of OFF in the air. I applied to myself, I sprayed the stroller down and I misted over the baby but tried to avoid getting the stuff on her. You know it was futile, I was eaten alive. Thank you Father that the things spared the baby. Play Ball!!!!

Monday, April 6, 2009

March Madness About to Blow Away

This is it! I am listening to the opening announcer for the NCAA Championship game. That means that in about 2 to 3 hours the madness will be gone. I am so ready for the sanity to return. My normally mild-mannered husband turns into a raging, Carolina blue lunatic around the time March rolls around. I think he wears the leotard under his clothes and reveals them during the warm-up. If Carolina only knew what a gold-mine they had right here for an armchair coach, the team would be undefeated! You at home can't see him but he is hunched forward in his chair breathlessly waiting for the next shot. I know if things get dicey later in the game, he'll be on all fours beating the floor to urge the team on. And all you people thought you knew Matt!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Baby Dolls and Bugs

I know, there are huge differences between girls and boys. Let's face it, some of them are obvious. I guess that the differences in their behavior and preferences really stand out to me since I have had boys for 15 years and a girl for only 6 months. The boys were very different, but also very similar. They were all creatures of habit and comfort. They liked routine and liked to be dry, loved and full. They were all such sweet babies. They never really cared about anything on their bodies as long as they were warm in winter and cool in summer. Toys were just about anything they could hold in their hands. They all went through a phase where all they really wanted was a plastic spoon from the utensil drawer! Dirt, trees, and anything outside was a huge bonus. Yes, we even did the worm thing at around 2 years old. I do not miss finding those in pockets on laundry day!
Annabeth has already turned out to be so different. She really seems to notice what I put on her. She likes to wear dresses, she keeps running her hands down the skirts. I put bows in her hair and she keeps checking to make sure they are still there. She will get fussy in the morning and visibly cheer when she gets fresh clothes on. She likes bubble baths, having her hair brushed, and primping in general. I will say that the biggest thing is the baby doll. She has several already and loves all of them. She likes to look at the larger ones and will smile and "talk" to them. She has two soft dolls that are a good size for her. She loves to hug them to her and "kiss" them. She sleeps with them and takes them with her wherever we go. I took rattles for the boys but I have to pack the babies for her. I took her to the Dr. today for a check-up and he had to do the exam around the doll because of the death grip she had on the thing! I prayed for all of my children before they were born. I would have been thrilled to be a mom to only boys. When I found out that I was having a girl, I prayed that she would be feminine and girly and a mama's girl. God is so good, He listens to not only the things we need but He delights in giving us the desires of our hearts as well. I think my Father looks at Annabeth and I, and smiles at the relationship we are building. I am one blessed girl!!!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Where Does Your Mind Go?

I find myself wondering lately about my intelligence. Ha Ha to all you jokesters, it really was there to begin with. I'm talking about how on earth I went from being a relatively intelligent person to being a clueless blob. I have an almost 13 year old child who has to carry the unimaginable burden of all the earth's knowledge. I don't know how he managed to gather and acquire it without my knowing about it, especially since I'm also his teacher, but there it is. It also floors me that he knows so much and can still make a C on a math test and think that's okay! I can only hope that when he is the father of a bright up and coming teenager, he will still be just as smart as he is now. Or do I??????

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

14 Down A Lifetime To Go

Happy anniversary to you my dear husband. My blog is usually filled with the antics of all of our little monkeys, but today I decided to post directly to you. I met you almost 18 years ago now, we have been married for 14 years, been through 5 children, 2 states, several jobs, several moves. I can honestly say that my love for you magnifies daily. You are my guide, my love, my friend, my sounding board, my boundary. You define me in so many ways. I stay home with our children and yet, have never felt stifled. You allow me to be me and stay sane in the middle of the madness! I have never understood how you managed to make me feel so safe, sheltered, protected even, all the while making me feel so free. The love of Christ is in you and around you and spills out to shine The Way for all who meet you. I thank you my dear man for making a scared, abused little girl feel like a blessed, confidant woman. I love you and am eagerly anticipating the rest of our lives together.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Big Bubba Brother

Poor, poor Annabeth! The overprotective big brother thing has already begun. I got her dressed the other day in a sweet little pink dress with matching bloomers to cover her diaper. She looked really cute and it was a very warm day. I brought her out into the dining room and David asked me if Annabeth was only going to wear a shirt for the day. I informed him that the outfit in question was a dress. He looked at me and in all seriousness said "don't you think that is a little too short for her?" Look people, the girl is only 5 months old! I can only imagine the junk we'll go through when she hits the ripe old age of 2!

Monday, March 9, 2009

I Got You Sinupret

You know your child watches too much tv when they use commercial hook lines in everyday conversation. I need to amend that, not just everyday conversation, terms of endearments. Have you seen that commercial with the mom and daughter saying "I love you, I love you more, I love you more, I got you Sinupret"? Well, for a few weeks now, Seth has been using that as a marker for how much he loves us. "I love you soo much mommy, I got you Sinupret". Sunday morning he got so aggravated at me because I wouldn't get up, that he informed me that he had taken my Sinupret back to the store. Out of the mouths of babes right? A new development in the ongoing Seth/toilet saga, he wore real underwear for the better part of the day today. Yay Seth!!!

Monday, March 2, 2009


Sunday, March 1 2009 will go down in history as the day Seth decided to poop in the potty. For those of you with no children, bear with me, all others REJOICE! After much pleading, coaching, cheering and yes, bribing, Seth pooped last night in the place where poop belongs. Matt had the little boys at church to play with a friend during youth group, Seth told Matt that he had to go. Matt informed him that he had not brought any of his pull-ups with him, could he please go in the potty. Well, the little booger did just that, like he had been doing it all along. So far today he has done it again at home. Pray people, 1 in diapers is enough for anyone!!!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Baseball You Are A Cruel Master

Just a quick blog to let you know that the boys of summer are about to be released. I signed David up for baseball today. Josh has aged out and no longer has the option, Joey informed us that he would rather take art lessons (real drawing, no arts and crafts junk) instead of baseball. Seth is still too young. Well, Annabeth began to howl just as I logged on so I guess I will regale you with more of the Beam antics later.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Sibling Rivalry

Having five children, I am often asked if they are jealous of one another, especially with the new baby around. I have always thought that the boys did so well in this area, nothing other than the usual you like him best stuff. Since they all say that about all the other brothers, I figure I'm doing pretty well. And then there's Seth. He is currently rocking the three year old movement. To begin the saga of Seth and Annabeth we must begin with spit-up. Annabeth is a dainty thing with a delicate stomach, that is to say that we must keep a burp cloth with the girl at all times or reek of baby goop. I have noticed that Seth has been spitting a lot recently, the kid's shirts have even been wet! I asked him what was going on and he told me that he had to (spit-up). I informed him that three year old boys do not spit-up, they just spit and they can control it. He said no, his tummy was upset and he had to spit-up. I did tell him, with a straight face thank you, that if he felt the need to spit-up, he had better do it in the potty or I would not change his shirt, or give him a lollipop (see previous post). I will live through the storm that is Seth and be stronger for it. There is a whole lotta trouble in that cute little monster!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Right Now

At this very moment I am being begged, pleaded with, asked, harassed and harangued by my three year old son, Seth. All he wants is a lollipop. He really needs one, he deserves one. After all, he was so good at finishing the cookies he had to have as dessert from his second breakfast. God made children so cute so you you can deal with the annoyances that come from everyday life. Who could possibly say that there was no intelligent design. In my opinion, God is brilliant.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Rock On Gravy Man

I can really tell that I have a teenager in my house. David got an electric guitar for Christmas and has been rockin' ever since. I must confess that Matt and I have done something that I never would have thought, we have told him to turn the music down. For those of you that knew me when I was a hard rock chick I know you are shocked, I have to say that I disgusted myself. In my defense, it is hard to get a baby to sleep in a house this loud and that's just the usual "boy noise". I am trying to get him to form a band called the Slick Chickens I want to be the do-wop girl in the short skirt in the back of the band. Go Gravy go!!!

Friday, January 2, 2009

A New Year

I can barely believe that 2008 is already history. The older you get, the time flies faster and faster. We had a huge year this past year. For starters, Matt held on at Global and came through even better than we could have hoped for. We found out that we were adding to our family and got a girl to boot! Something I haven't mentioned in my blog happened about a week after Annabeth was born. We are in the process of building a new home. We were supposed to be finished with the house in May but our builder recently told us that we may be in the house by the end of January! We had such a trying year in 2007, ain't God grand? I am holding on to my seat to see what 2009 brings. By the way, Josh had a Christmas filled with movies and video games, David asked for and received an electric guitar, Joey asked for all sorts of things and is busy discovering all of them, Seth is just excitied that he got to open his gifts as well as Annabeths. As for the princess of the Beam palace, she was showered with dolls and clothes, her mommy is having fun with all of it!