Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Potty Mouth

Josiah has hit the "is this a bad word?" stage. Oh, how I love this one(not). At all times of the day, he will come to me with those killer green eyes of his, as wide and innocent as he can get them, and present me with some nugget. I know these words or phrases come straight from the mouths of his brothers or the tv, but still. The words aren't really bad in themselves, just not something I want my 6 year-old to say. He wants so badly to be like the big guys, that the only way he thinks he can do that is to imitate them. I suppose instead of complaining, I should be thankful that the older boys are polite and don't say anything ugly. This too will pass and then I'll miss it too.

1 comment:

The Gardner Gang said...

He could have two jerks for older brothers, but he dosen't. I would consider myself lucky if Nathan or Ian would imitate your boys. They do every time we visit only its Joey they imitate. :)