Monday, March 17, 2008

We Are A Sappy Love Song

Do you remember the hair bands of the 80's and their awesome ballads? I can't get some of them out of my head tonight. There is a reason for this, and no, I'm not quite over the edge. You see, tomorrow is Matt and my wedding anniversary. "Love bites, love bleeds, it's all I need." See how well that fits? Through the years things have not always been easy, but there was always the need for one another. "More than words, are all I need to tell you how I feel" I could go on and on, I have a million of them. All those years ago, all I knew for certain was that I would still be with the man I love. We have had different homes, lots more children, a new town, new friends, new churches, and this is still the constant I rely on. The best thing we ever did was invite God to our wedding and into our marriage and He has been better than superglue!!! Thank you my Father for the Life and the man. I owe you everything.


Bill & Susan said...

Congratulations on showing the rest of the world how to live your lives. You don't just "Talk the talk, you Walk the walk" We love you guys and we wish you and Matt all the best on this very important date in your lives. Thanks for sharing it with us.

Jeremiah Jacob Brown said...

Happy Anniversary!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary you sappy couple you! Mark and I hope we can get as far as you guys! Love you and lets do dinner sometime soon.

The Gardner Gang said...

Happy Anniversary!! I know that Andy and I have always looked to you and Matt as examples of a healthy marriage. I know you guys really well and I know that you just don't give a good public preformance you are just as real and happy behind closed doors. Love you guys,