Monday, March 10, 2008

Sudafed Stash

Did you know that Sudafed cold medicine is an ingredient in Meth? Did you also know that it is one of the only cold medicines you can take when you are pregnant? I have a cold, a killer, got a fever, measure me for the casket kind of cold. I went to Wal-mart today to try and help myself out. I picked up the little tag, took it to the register, presented my id, signed away my first-born (sorry Josh), and got a funny look from the cashier. I realize that I look haggard. I know that I look tired. I'm sure that to the uninitiated, a sick, tired, and make-up free stay-at-home-home-school-mom may look a lot like a meth head. I realize that these regulations are in place to stop all the would-be drug makers, but lets face it: They are still making and selling it at an alarming rate. I only wanted a few tablets so I could actually close my mouth to breathe. In my humble opinion, the only people affected are the hurried, harried sick people out there who either don't have the time to stand in line or are already too sick to stand in line or who can't sign away their children. Either way, the system is flawed!!


Andy Gill said...

I always knew you were a Meth head! :) Just kidding! I am thinking about taking in foster kids if Josh is interested! :) lol


Anonymous said...

Praying you will be feeling better soon. MIss and love ya

Anonymous said...

oh my gosh, my mom's on drugs!!!