Thursday, February 14, 2008

The Forgotten Firstborn

When I began this blog, my oldest son Josh asked me not to write anything embarrassing about him. I think that I have been overzealous in this pursuit. I realized today that not only do I not write about the embarrassing stuff, but I rarely mention him. Let me assure you that it is only an oversight. I am extremely proud of my firstborn son. He is a handsome, tall, strong, and brilliant young man. He is our comic relief, our artist-in-residence, and my right-hand man when Matt isn't around. I know that he will be mortified to read this, but maybe it is a good thing to hear how much your mom loves you.

1 comment:

The Gardner Gang said...

I agree Josh is all those things. You think I could embarass him with a little auntly gushing of my own. I am so proud of the man he is growing into, and I look foward to talking to him everytime we visit.
Sorry Joshie what are aunts for?