Friday, February 8, 2008

Off to War

Matt and the two oldest boys left a few hours ago to play a game called airsoft. It is basically a war simulation using automatic weapons that shoot small plastic pellets. They claim to have a ball doing it but I have seen the welts it leaves. As they were leaving, Josh and David kept telling the little ones that they were off to war. I think they just really wanted to rub it in that they were getting a priveledge the other two couldn't have. I myself am house-bound for the duration. The three of us here don't fit in Matt's truck. Some people may find this to be a drag. I myself am thinking that it is an opportunity to stay in my pj's all day tomorrow. I am also looking forward to alone time with my two "babies". It isn't that often that they are allowed to act their age. With the peer pressure of their older brothers, they tend to act a little older than they are. For two days I get to revel in the antics of six year-old and two year-old little boys. We get to be silly and go to bed early, and laugh at nonsense just because we can. War, what is it good for? Sometimes, in the right situations, it can be good for the soul. Thankyou God, for giving me this time with my sons.

1 comment:

The Gardner Gang said...

I know what you mean. My most favorit time of the week is Wednesday night. Andy takes the older three to AWANA and I stay home with Ian. It is so fun to play with just him. He is so imaganitive for his age. He loves to play in the bath tub all by himself. Sometimes he spends up to an hour in his "bath.. wa-wa" More if there are bubbles. Glad the older boys had fun and glad you did too. Next time they play war you shold come here and play with us for the day.
Love you guys.