Saturday, December 6, 2008
I Want A Hippopotamus For Christmas
The airwaves are full of the sounds of christmas music. There is a definite nip in the air. It must be time for the Holidays! I love to listen to carols and all the silly christmas songs. I tune the radio over as soon as I can. I'm sure the kids hate it but they are so gracious that they hardly complain. That is saying a lot since I sing along loudly and off-key. The tree has been up since before Thanksgiving (long story). We are busily shopping and stuffing and hiding from all the peeping little eyes we have around here. We truly don't put anything under our tree until the kids go to bed on Christmas eve. After years of fighting to keep the gifts wrapped, we decided it was easier that way. I must say that after years of buying cars and balls and bats and guns, I am having so much fun going down the girl aisles for a change! I know that everyone is busy this time of year so in case I don't get to blog again before, Merry Christmas To All And To All A Good Night!!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Cool Weather and a Smaller Pants Size
I know, weird things to get jazzed about right? I absolutely love the fall. It has always been my favorite time of the year. Growing up with the mountains just a short ride away and my birthday in October just made Autumn the best for me. Living here in Charleston has made me miss the changing leaves and that cold crisp feeling in the air. I do love it when the weather starts to turn. I am also thankful that after nine months of living with a basketball under my shirt I can bend!!! I am now wearing a size smaller than I was when the whole baby journey started. I am still working to drop a few more, but I have always said that pregnancy is the best diet for me. Pity I'll never go on it again.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Sweet Baby Girl
I have a baby girl! I am so thrilled to be her mommy. I was really worried that after having all of my boys I wouldn't be able to love her quite as much. I am happy to say that all my fears were unwarranted. I am having so much fun. It is like having a real life baby doll. I have a blast dressing her up and fussing over her. The men in my life have all taken to her like ducks to a pond. Annabeth has still not cried since right after being born. If she makes the smallest sound of distress they all rush to her side. I am humbled by the gallantry of my men. Who knew they were such gentlemen?
Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Hello to everyone! This is my first time writing on my wife's blog so bear with me. I just had to say something about my brand new daugther! She is so beautiful, so tiny, so cuddly, so perfect! I am so glad she is here now and our family is complete! Thank you God for my wonderful, loving wife and all of my children He has given to me as a blessing! My wife did such a great job during labor. Once again, she did it naturally with only a small dose of pain medicine. She amazes me everyday with what she can do! I mean, I go to work and am faced with providing the basic needs for our family. With God's help, we have always had enough. However, I do not think I could handle what she does at home day after day, month after month, year after year...and does it so well! And certainly don't ask me to give birth!! We would have Josh and Josh only if that part of it was left up to me. It makes me feel like the surgery I am going to have soon is nothing. I would like to thank everyone for all of your prayers, gifts, and words of encouragement. God is good! Just take one look at my family!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Storm Chaser
I have a confession to make, I am a natural disaster freak. I love huge amounts of snow in the winter and the wilder the thunderstorm in summer, the better. I do not anticipate or long for loss of property or life, I just love the show. I was sooooooooo excited about Hanna earlier in the week. We are now only to receive a glancing blow. If I hated storms, we would have a major one every week. Matt thinks I am a little certifiable over this. I have a feeling our friends Bill and Susan would agree. If I ever stop having children and taking care of them on an hourly basis, I think I will become a weathergirl. I probably will refrain from singing "It's Raining Men" though.
Monday, August 25, 2008
No it is nothing like a vision on the isle of Patmos but startling in its own right. I have gotten used to being in the minority around here. The only female in a house with 5 males is definitely lop-sided. The only notable upside is that I get to use the bathroom alone (usually). I realized today that two females in this house full of gentlemen will actually even things out quite nicely. Anyone who knows anything about women, knows that 2 like-minded, estrogen filled females is enough to turn the tide on any number of affable, loving, and adoring men. I have overcome!!! I can hear Helen Readdy singing in the background, "I am woman hear me roar we are too big to ignore"!!!! A new era is about to dawn.....
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
School Daze
Today is the official first day of the 2008-2009 school year for the Beam Christian Academy. We have a 1st grader, a 7th grader and a 10th grader. I am NOT old enough to have a child that old. He will be 15 in a few short weeks. I still remember waiting for my 15th birthday. I have high hopes and big plans for this school year, I can only pray that it all goes well. Seth is still in the preschool stage but I think we may be able to have him reading within the year. Joe has made improvements by leaps and bounds already. He has been reading the "Spiderwick Chronicles" today. He is almost finished with book 1 and it is at least a 3rd or 4th grade level book. On to more ridiculous topics, I am still the beached whale. Josh heard about the baby whale in Sydney that has lost its mother and was trying to bond with a sailboat and told me I should go and get it, it misses me. Humor in a teenager leaves something to be desired. I'll remember this if he ever needs a babysitter when he has children.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Mama Slug
I have hit the wall, gatorade and energy drinks are useless. The first time I was pregnant, I was a cute young thang of 19. I worked 2 jobs, I went out on the town and I never needed a break. I am now the mother of 4, my husband is the only person who could call me cute with a straight face and I am almost 35. I have reached the point in my pregnancy that I feel as though I have accomplished something if I get a shower before noon. My son told me the other day that he would now refer to me as Mama Slug. To be honest, I couldn't even get upset. The upside is that in a few weeks I will no longer be confused with Jabba the Hut.
Friday, August 1, 2008
Slow Down And Breathe
Whew! What a week we are having! Matt took the week off for our family vacation. We gave the boys the option of Pennsylvania and Hershey World or Florida and Disney. We took a family vote and had a write in vote for staying in Charleston and doing stuff around here that we usually don't get to. It was unanimous with the kids and that is exactly what we have been doing. Monday started slowly because of groceries and a Dr. appointment. We did go to see Journey To The Center Of The Earth. That turned out to be really good. Tuesday we went to Charlestowne Landing (The sight of the original settlement) We did the whole thing and even had a picnic in the shade. Wednesday we spent time at a beach that we don't usually go to, Beachwalker Park out on Kiawah. Thursday we went to Myrtle Beach and had dinner at Captain George's (our favorite seafood buffet). Today we went to the Charleston Museum, they had an exhibit on shoes!!!!! The boys really loved it. I'm not sure what the rest of the weekend has in store but we are really having a blast. Side note, the Dr. says that all is well and the baby is doing fine. We have a name but we are waiting to tell until she is here. We are still working on getting all the stuff she needs.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Wow What A Week
It is Sunday evening and I am finally getting a chance to get online. We have had VBS all week long. The whole Beam Family was involved. Matt and I each taught a class, Josh and David helped out with the kids and Joe and Seth attended. I am so thrilled that this year was sooooooo great! We had so many kids and we had an abundance of helpers. I am so proud of Janet Rollins and the job she did as VBS director, it just all came off without a hitch. I had the younger elementary age group and I had a great group of kids. I usually had between 9-12 kids each night. They were awesome! We did have the usual problem of getting Seth to participate, but I showed him the "naughty seat" and that was all it took. By the way, the church does not have a naughty seat, I just let him think that! Whatever works right?
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Just A Day In The Life
Life is just moving on from day to day here. The time just flies. I remember when I was expecting Josh, time seemed to drag by. I felt that I would be pregnant forever an he would never come. I am a lot older and have the four boys and I can't seem to stop long enough to catch my breath. I only have a little over 12 weeks to go and it seems like I just took the test a week ago. The boys are amazing, Josh is the biggest help and comfort to me. He seems to understand all that I am feeling and going through, and will do anything to help me. David is really growing up. I was talking to him the other day and looking at him very closely. I could see glimpses of the man he is growing into. His activity level shames me, I think he exercises in his sleep. Joey is soooo excited about the new baby. He asks everyday how she is and if she is awake. He will reach out and touch my belly, he talks to her and kisses her. I think this baby already has a knight in shining armor to protect her from the world. Seth is the cutest thing. He says the funniest things and makes the funniest faces. He is alternating between having a red baby and a green baby. He insists that my baby is pink now and does not change colors. I do think he will have the hardest time adjusting but I'm sure he'll be fine. I tease Matt about his time in the Carribean but really, he is the rock of this family. He leads us and guides us emotionally and spiritually, he takes care of our needs and a lot of our wants. He is more than I could have ever hoped for in a husband. Yep, life in the Beam family flows right along just like all the rivers around here. I am certainly thankful for the ride!
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Free Time???
I confess that I am in bondage to baseball and cannot free myself. I am only exaggerating by a teeny bit. David won the Sub-District championship and is moving on to the District. We are looking at another 2 weeks of baseball at least. If his team keeps winning, we may be finished sometime in August. I am very proud of him, he is taking this all in stride, not letting it go to his head or anything. I think he realizes this is an opportunity to be appreciated. We had another ultrasound on Tuesday. The baby is 2 pounds now and very lovely if that fuzzy black and white photo can be trusted. I am so astounded every time I look at my family. I have been blessed beyond anything I could have ever imagined for myself. God is so good.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
No Dreads, No Tats, No Doobies, No Rum
My husband made it home early Thursday morning with none of the above in tow. I know, the dreads were stretching it a little bit. I am very thankful to have him home. He said the island was beautiful, and he was swamped with work. I guess that means he was too busy to go looking for Stella. We are working on getting back to normal. David won the Sub-District championship with his All-Star team. Josh is back from camp, all is right with the world. I am almost 6 months pregnant and I AM NOT READY! We don't have a name and she will be naked. Oh well, I'll get ready in time.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
How Matt Got His Groove Back
My hot husband is alone on a tropical island. He is surrounded by sand and clear blue water. I'm sure there are plenty of girls in bikinis walking around. Does this sound like the makings for a guy movie paradise along the lines of "How Stella Got Her Groove Back"? Well, believe it or not, he is on a business trip. He left today for the island of Antigua and will not be home until Thursday morning. I am not jealous, I am not bitter, if I repeat this often enough maybe it will be true. I really am not upset, I just miss him. As for the groove thing, he never lost it...
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
What's In A Name
There are two issues going on in the Beam household currently. The most noticeable would be the absence of our jock, David. He left for camp Sunday and won't be home until Friday. For those of you who have 1 or 2 children or your children go to school, I'm sure you are thinking that 1 down with 3 left is no big deal. Well, I am a mother who is used to being with her children 24/7. Way back when I only had one, I couldn't seem to get anything done because I was always holding my baby. Now that there are four I am lonely without 1! I know, lonely in a crowd? Friday can't come soon enough. The other big deal is probably only a big deal to me. I know that Matt isn't loosing sleep over it anyway. We are trying to come up with a name for this baby. We picked beautiful names for all the boys and I want this one to be lovely as well. I get one shot at naming a girl and it had better be perfect! We thought we had at least one of her names picked out but I think we may be willing to scrap it and start over. I am looking for suggestions. We have some criteria. I have to be able to imagine a 90 year old with the name. The meaning has to be relevant (no moon child) I like really old-fashioned and Matt is picky. Oh, alright, I am too. HELP!!
Friday, June 6, 2008
Going, Going, Gone!!!!
Thursday night was the last game of David's rec ball season. It was really a make-up game that we had to finish. I was really kind of dreading it because the weather was so hot. We only had about 40 minutes left to play and were doing very well. David came up to bat and took two swings at nothing pitches. As I watched, he swung easily at an inside fast ball and made contact. The ball soared over the fence and into the adjacent field. I started crying and watched my boy round the bases. He had the biggest grin on his face, I don't even know how he could see where he was going. His team came out of the dugout to congratulate him. The pitcher (who is a friend of his) and the opposing coach came to the plate to congratulate him as well. The umpire even smacked his bottom and told him "Way to go David!" He made the All-Star team for this summer. I guess we'll be playing ball a while longer. I don't mean for this to be a side note or anything, but I have some more bragging to do. My oldest son Josh completed his 9th grade school year a full week early. He could have finished almost a month early but decided to take it easy and work for an hour or two every day. He of course made all A's with little or no effort. I am so proud of him and his performance. He has been looking to the future and is setting some high and also realistic goals for himself. Not only is he thinking about college and his major, he is also considering how to pay for it. Tell me, what 14 year-old boy thinks that far ahead? My cup runneth over and I am truly blessed!!!
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Summer Lovin'
My honey and I just had a lovely weekend alone together at the beach. My mother-in-law came down Thursday to stay with the boys, and we left Friday morning. We checked into the hotel early Friday and went out to look at pink baby clothes. I had a hard time choosing because I wanted it all. I told Matt that my goal was for her to never wear the same thing twice. I know, that won't really happen but buying dresses was a lot of fun. We spent the day Saturday out on the beach just reading and soaking up the sun. We went out to a movie that night. I had a great time. We try really hard to take the time every year to spend some time alone to reconnect. We decided early on in our marriage that we didn't want to look at one another when the kids were grown and realize they were all we had in common. It used to be easier to have a twice monthly date night when there were only 1 or 2 children. Now that there are almost 5 it seems a little simpler to condense it all into a weekend once or twice a year. Summer lovin', happened so fast... But oh, those summer nights.....
Monday, May 26, 2008
Today is Memorial Day. It is a time in our country when we take the time to remember and think about the brave men and women who so valiantly serve our country. This day is very important to me. I had a grandfather of legendary caliber. He served this country during the Korean Conflict and the Vietnam War. Not only did he serve, he made his career in the US Navy. I am so proud of him. He was the father I never had, and made sure I knew how very much I was loved and cherished. He passed away in 2003. I know that sounds like he didn't give his life in the service, and therefore not really part of the memorial day ceremonies. He was on board ships that patrolled the coastline of Vietnam, they even ran up some of the rivers. He was one of the men sprayed with agent orange. I am not upset, nor do I blame my country. Grandaddy knew there were risks going in, the government was trying to reduce the bug population. All I can say is, Thank You Grandaddy for being a devoted soldier, a brave man and the best Grandaddy in the world. I Love You and will see you again. I am so glad you found Jesus!
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
A Change Is Gonna Come
I am mother to four of the most wonderful, handsome, talented, and charming boys. I am immensely proud of all of them. Yesterday, we received news that will turn our household upside down. We are about to have a daughter. I was really excited to begin with, then the realization hit me. What on earth am I going to do with a girl? Matt and Joey are very happy as they were the only ones with a preference. Seth doesn't care what it is as long as it is green. I think that is his favorite color right now. Having been duped by ultrasound in the past, Matt asked the tech if she was sure or if she just didn't see any boy parts. She assured him she was sure, that she was definitely looking at girl parts. We even have a close-up of said parts that are labeled for our own peace of mind. I have been the queen of this family for a really long time, do I have to give up the crown or just share?
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Rock and Roll and the Radio
Mothers Day turned out to be wonderful! We had a really nice time. We had a picnic at the battery on Saturday, followed by a wonderful meal prepared by the men in my life. On Sunday we went to Miyabi and for a long drive, very relaxing and nice. We also spent the better part of the weekend playing Rockband together. I hate to brag but we ROCK!!! One big surprise came Sunday morning when Matt turned on the radio and we heard his name mentioned. The really big surprise was that he was on for a 30 minute interview about his job! He did a great job and sounded very professional. The comic relief for our weekend was of course in the form of Seth and his mouth. We were awakened Sunday by a large clap of thunder that shook the whole house. Seth had crawled into bed with Matt and I a little earlier, and looked at us when the thunder stopped and said, "Joey did it". I guess he thought someone had to get in trouble for making that much noise, and as he was the only child in the room, he was passing the buck.
Friday, May 9, 2008
Mothers Day Extravaganza
Sunday is Mothers Day. I have been informed by the testosterone squad that we will have an "extravaganza weekend." I used to do this for Matt for birthdays and Fathers Day just so we could have an excuse to go go go the whole weekend with no cooking or dishes for me to do. I know it sounds selfish but I admit I am flawed. Mothers Day is a new thing around the Beam family. We used to spend the weekend catering to our own mothers so that there was no energy or money left for me. Ever since we moved to SC, I have had a holiday all my own. We still do things for our mothers, but the focus of the holiday is now all mine!!! I know, I know, that sounds selfish too, but hey, I already said I had faults. The boys have been asking what I want for a gift, the only thing I could think of is the video game, Rock Band. I immediately achieved the coolest mom on the planet status, but alas, there are selfish motives for this too. I look at it as an activity that they will all want to participate in with me, and it is a game that does not include guns. I am sure you now think that I am the most devious person alive, I prefer to think of myself as an opportunist with love. The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world. Rock On Mothers of the World!!! Happy Mothers Day To You All!!!
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
I Am A Baseball Hostage
I know that I haven't been able to blog like I usually do but there is a lot going on! Take this week for example, we had a Dr. appt. and baseball practice on Monday. We had a game Tuesday (David won), we clean the church on Wednesday, and we have another game on Thursday. I have been told that we will have a Mothers Day extravaganza weekend beginning Friday. Whew, I am tired already! Things are moving right along with the baby and other stuff. I will be 19 weeks this Friday, (halfway is 20 weeks) and I can't believe the time has flown by. I remember thinking at this point in my pregnancy with Josh that he would never come. Every baby since then I find myself begging time to SLLOOOWWW DOOOWWWNNNN! On a lighter note, David's team is in 1st place and is 6-1. Way to go Owlz!
Monday, April 28, 2008
Thanks For The Help???
The time has come for Seth to begin that odyssey that all young children must make. He has officially begun his potty training! Age and the fact that a new and younger sibling is on the way had nothing to do with this breakthrough, the little guy brought it all on himself. I was resting on the couch the other day and he decided that he would change himself instead of disturbing me. He did an amazing job if you leave out that I had to change the sheets on my bed and he needed a bath. The business parts that had previously been messy, were spic and span! It was the cleaning parts that were now soiled. As I gave him a bath, I told him that I was proud of him but that any little boy who could change his own diaper was a little boy who was ready for underwear. So far, we are doing ok!!!
Cash On The Barrel
You would have to be born in at least the 70's or a big fan of "The Little House on the Prairie" to know what the title of this post means. For those of you who are neither, here goes... Laura refused to accept credit at the local store for some badly needed school supplies. The owner told her it would be alright, her pa could pay him later. She politely declined and said that they could not accept anything they could not afford to pay for on the spot. We had a little lesson in this concept in the Beam family lately. The boys found a restaurant they all wanted to try. The entree they were interested in would cost about $17 each. For a family of 6, that can get quite expensive. We spend $30 for a quick trip to McDonalds! Matt told the boys that we were willing to take them on one condition, they had to save the money in the family budget for the trip. This meant that we would not go out to eat for at least 2 weeks while we saved the cash it would take to eat there. The boys asked if we could go and then save, but we stuck to it. They did such a good job! They offered to help me in the kitchen, they didn't ask to go early or anything. To top it off, we stopped at a local grocery where steaks were on sale and told the boys that we would have steak that night. Josh immediately asked us to remember "the deal" and said he would make something at home if we would just get back in the car! In a "buy now pay later" society I think we are affecting a change in at least 4 men of tomorrow. On a side note, we went to the longed-for restaurant and the boys ate their fill.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
McDonalds Coke
I think the government should start checking the fountain cokes at McDonalds for crack. I really think there is something addictive about them. I can't stop drinking the things. A favorite daydream of mine lately involves me lying under a running fountain machine with my mouth open. I craved a fountain Sun-drop when I was pregnant with Seth. The boys and I would go get a 32oz. every day. I have a hard time getting Sun-drop down here, not to even mention the fountain kind. I am pleased to report that tonight will be night 8 with no nausea!!! I was beginning to think that I needed to just be put out of all of our misery. I still don't have much of an appetite, but keep the coca cola coming!
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Bathtub Battle Smackdown
Sunday night at the Beam home is something of a mini vacation. The big boys and Daddy are at youth group, and dinner is a free for all. What this means is that whatever you see that appeals to you, you can have it for dinner. Which, in the case of David, means cake if it is present. We also get a break from the ritual of nightly baths(unless there has been a mud war). Joey and Seth usually ask for a play bath anyway. That means that they want to soak and play in a tub full of warm water, the longer the better. You know that toys are involved, I mean hey, what fun are bubbles if there isn't anyone to swim in them? Tonight was a Star Wars epic battle. The clone troopers went in along with some transformers and I think a dinosaur got in there too. I stepped out of the room for a few minutes and ran back when I heard what sounded like the death knell going off. Joey just looked at me and said calmly, "War is loud Mom." I did ask what all the noise was about. Ask a silly question and all that. Everyone made it out safely and there were no battle wounds to be found.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Sweet Sweet Day
I have been craving a certain type of candy. I can't find it in the store, so Matt told me to look it up on the internet. I found what I was looking for but had to purchase it in bulk. My wonderful, miserly husband told me to get the minimum amount and he would be okay with that. Today the UPS man brought 144 lollipops to our house! I think that from the eyes of a 2 year-old it seemed like Christmas. He actually told my mom on the phone a little later that it was his "birfday". I think that I would really like to look at life with the same kind of joy Seth sees. Just imagine, he was having a pretty good day already, I had provided beef jerky (which he calls meat jerky) there were cookies in the cookie jar, the milk was flowing, and he had just had an awesomely long nap. The doorbell rings, and there on his doorstep was a carton of candy. I think I need to be thankful for the blessings of everyday life that I sometimes take for granted. I woke up today, safe in the knowledge that I belong to Him. I have an amazing husband and am blessed with these 4 terrific boys. I have another baby on the way to add to the happy mix. I have friends and family who love me even thought they know I'm a nut. To top it all off, I have 144 lollipops!!!!! Life is great!!!!
Friday, April 4, 2008
SHH It Is Our Little Secret
Matt took Josh to the movies tonight. David went with Bill and Susan Brown. Matt tried to be gracious and let me go out with Josh, but I opted to stay at home. The guys think that poor old Mom is at home sacrificing for them, I may even get a Starbucks out of it. The secret to the whole thing is this... When all of the big boys are gone, the little boys snuggle with me the entire time. I just put them to bed to end our love fest. Matt plays hard and rough with them when I'm gone and he thinks that is what happens for me. I am Mom, therefore, too soft and cuddly to wrestle. I think it is great that the guys go out for a good time, I am really glad that I get to stay in for mine.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Twelve Terrific Years
On Saturday the 29th of March, we celebrated a momentous event. Matthew David Beam turned twelve years old. I realize that in a family of almost five children that may seem like no biggie, but it is. You see, David is special. Some of the people here in Charleston have only met him in the midst of his pre-teen angst period but you others know what I'm talking about. Out of all the babies I have had, when I close my eyes he is the one I can still feel in my arms. I don't mean that I love or even like him more than the others, he is just David, that is the only way to explain it. I took him to a nursing home visit when he was 11 days old. We walked into the room of a 96 year-old blind woman. She immediately reached out and asked to hold the baby in the room. I gave him to her and she knew he was a boy and asked his name. I told her and she announced to all that he would grow to preach the word of God but she would not be around to hear it. Every time a visiting pastor came to our church, they would point to him and ask who he was. They all announced that he had a special anointing over him. We used to do a hot dog give-away in an underprivileged area. David chose to go from home to home praying for the shut-ins instead of playing with the other kids. I guess I can sum all this up by telling my Lord how very thankful I am for the gift of David in my life. I love all of my children, I'm just taking the time to honor David on the anniversary of his birth.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Achy Breaky Heart
Oh, I know, everything has a song reference. Deal with it! I am pondering a very important question this evening. How much heartburn does it take before your heart and or stomach actually disintegrate? To be quite frank with you, lately milk has been on the spicy side. I craved some cheetos the other day and on a whim picked up the flamin' hot ones. It turned out to be a 4 tums moment. To make matters worse, I am eating things that I can't stand. The Cheetos were bad enough, I think that is the first time that I ever ate one voluntarily without a game of truth or dare involved. I can't stand eggs. I mean, I avoid them like the plague. Matt walked in on me the other day while I was eating a hard-boiled egg. He looked startled and asked me if I was alright. I think he thought my head would start spinning while I threw up pea soup. For the non-horror movie fans out there, that was a reference to "The Exorcist". This baby has already got me jumping through some pretty bizarre hoops. A word of advice for the recession minded, but stock in tums, I think it is going up, up, up!!!
Monday, March 24, 2008
Take Me Out To The Ballgame
Yes, sports fans, it is that time of year again! March madness is upon us and the baseball diamond is heating up. I know about the basketball thing because I hear Dick Vitale in my sleep. I think I heard Seth say "daddy" when he heard him on the tv. I have first-hand knowledge of the diamond heat because I am washing "cups" and baseball pants daily. Those of you who read my blog know that my anniversary was last week. What you don't know is that the first night I spent as a blushing bride was at a hotel as close to Chapel Hill as the basketball schedule would allow. I have been told since my nuptuals that I should be so proud of Matt for the date he LET me set, because it fell on the ACC tournament weekend. Does this make me feel a little less valued? On the contrary, I have seen the games the man has given up for me. I can assure you too, that there was no basketball on the tube that night. I do have my charms you know. Think about it, the man gave up a Dean Smith game just for me. Gotta love my sports fan!!!!
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Holy Tormado Batman!!

In the immortal words of my six-year-old son, we had a "tormado" incident Saturday night. We were watching the skies and the news when we heard the warning. We were told to prepare for a tornado by getting into a safe room or space. We did all the responsible mom and dad stuff, we cleaned out a downstairs closet, we packed a bag with medications and wallets, we made sure the kids all had shoes on. We were feeling pretty ready for the impending disaster when the weather man suggested putting helmets on the kids. We did just that, being the fine upstanding folks we are. We got in the closet and waited. And waited. And waited. And waited. We finally came out when the air ran out and we all agreed that breathing was better than safety. Matt had the idea to take pictures of us in our "gear". Yes, we ALL had helmets on. Being the mom means never having to post an unflattering photo. Side note, we had some rain but not even a heavy wind. I am pretty sure that I heard someone break wind in the closet though. I'm pretty sure that that would not count with the national weather service.
Monday, March 17, 2008
We Are A Sappy Love Song
Do you remember the hair bands of the 80's and their awesome ballads? I can't get some of them out of my head tonight. There is a reason for this, and no, I'm not quite over the edge. You see, tomorrow is Matt and my wedding anniversary. "Love bites, love bleeds, it's all I need." See how well that fits? Through the years things have not always been easy, but there was always the need for one another. "More than words, are all I need to tell you how I feel" I could go on and on, I have a million of them. All those years ago, all I knew for certain was that I would still be with the man I love. We have had different homes, lots more children, a new town, new friends, new churches, and this is still the constant I rely on. The best thing we ever did was invite God to our wedding and into our marriage and He has been better than superglue!!! Thank you my Father for the Life and the man. I owe you everything.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Potty Mouth
Josiah has hit the "is this a bad word?" stage. Oh, how I love this one(not). At all times of the day, he will come to me with those killer green eyes of his, as wide and innocent as he can get them, and present me with some nugget. I know these words or phrases come straight from the mouths of his brothers or the tv, but still. The words aren't really bad in themselves, just not something I want my 6 year-old to say. He wants so badly to be like the big guys, that the only way he thinks he can do that is to imitate them. I suppose instead of complaining, I should be thankful that the older boys are polite and don't say anything ugly. This too will pass and then I'll miss it too.
Monday, March 10, 2008
Sudafed Stash
Did you know that Sudafed cold medicine is an ingredient in Meth? Did you also know that it is one of the only cold medicines you can take when you are pregnant? I have a cold, a killer, got a fever, measure me for the casket kind of cold. I went to Wal-mart today to try and help myself out. I picked up the little tag, took it to the register, presented my id, signed away my first-born (sorry Josh), and got a funny look from the cashier. I realize that I look haggard. I know that I look tired. I'm sure that to the uninitiated, a sick, tired, and make-up free stay-at-home-home-school-mom may look a lot like a meth head. I realize that these regulations are in place to stop all the would-be drug makers, but lets face it: They are still making and selling it at an alarming rate. I only wanted a few tablets so I could actually close my mouth to breathe. In my humble opinion, the only people affected are the hurried, harried sick people out there who either don't have the time to stand in line or are already too sick to stand in line or who can't sign away their children. Either way, the system is flawed!!
Thursday, March 6, 2008
How Cool Is Old School
Matt and I are closet singers. Yes indeed, when we are in the car or in the house, we can rock it out with the best of them. I don't want to brag, but we do have a groove thang goin' on. This has always been a source of contention with our offspring. I should have known that we would have trouble when Josh preferred rocked-out lullabies to real rock music. They usually roll their eyes and ignore us or turn the movies up in the car. I have found myself gaining new respect lately in the wake of guitar hero. My sons will start singing some of the hard stuff that Matt and I love and say "I bet you don't know this song." Well, not only do we know it, we can sing it and tell you what album it was on, half the time I can tell them about seeing them in concert. How great is it when the generation of tomorrow discovers something new? What did we ever do without the Police or Pat Benatar? I for one am thank full to the young ones for introducing us to good music. Puhleeeze!!! Maybe one day I'll find the photos of myself when my sole goal in life was to be a groupie for Poison. I wonder if the big hair, concert t's, and ripped up jeans would scar them for life? Oh well, it would be fun. Come on and hit me with your best shot.... Fire away!
Monday, March 3, 2008
Honey Time
I spent this past weekend in the company of the man I love so much. Matt and I went to Gatlinburg for an early anniversary trip. We met friends of ours there and had a wonderful time. We used to go on lots of trips with our friends Andy and Heather Gardner, but through the years we have accumulated 8 kids between us. I guess that makes the logistics pretty overwhelming when you think of a couples weekend. Nevertheless, grandparents came to the rescue and we pulled it off. Matt and I don't have an absence makes the heart grow fonder kind of marriage. The more time we spend together, the more we both want. I pray that we will both always feel that way. The boys have come through with no lasting damage from being left, I'm sure the guilt trip will be over any day now. I suppose that if it is hard to find a babysitter for 4 then it will be next to impossible when there are 5! Oh well, we are glad to be home.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
One New Beam
I went to the Dr. today for that early ultrasound they so love to do. My family was taking bets on the number in there. I am happy and relieved to tell you that there is only 1 new Beam in the works. I did call home and told Josh that it was triplets, he began packing immediately. The baby looks good so far and its tiny heart was beating away. I have been finding myself barraged lately with the inevitable question people ask if you have more than two children. "Are you done yet? Are you going to get Fixed?" Matt and I have discussed this, if you are close to us at all you know the answer already. If, however you don't already know, don't ask!!!! This is rude to say the least. We are not dogs, cats, or even gerbils. Our reproductive lives are in the hands of the Lord, not our local vet. Maybe I could turn the interest around in my favor though. Do you think the Animal Planet would pay big bucks to air the live spaying and neutering of the male and female human? I wonder who to call??? Maybe we could be on right after that show about the pregnant meerkats!!!
Monday, February 25, 2008
Pepto Moments
I am wondering something, why does early pregnancy start with debilitating nausea? I would like nothing better than to hug the great white porcelain throne all day long. I am sick morning noon and night. I suppose it is a good sign that the pregnancy is going alright, but really? I never really had this with the other 4 boys. I wonder why it is happening now. I would dearly love to drink a gallon of pepto, but apparently, that isn't allowed when you are pregnant. The boys are at the end of their patience with it all and I must say I am not far behind. I am glad that babies are so cute, maybe that will make it worth it in the end. Maybe I'll go look for a bucket to strap on so that I can get on with life.
Friday, February 22, 2008
My Go-To Guy
Have I mentioned my son David to you lately? Let me begin by telling you about the nickname he has had since he was a tiny boy. David got the name "smiley" from a friend of ours because he smiled constantly. If he was happy, sad, scared whatever, he smiled. That has pretty much been his personality since birth. He is the skinniest of boys, but surprisingly, he was our largest baby. Imagine, a chubby, curly-haired, dark-eyed little baby smiling at you no matter what. I was convinced that life could not get any better. Then David grew up. Now I know that it does. He has turned into the most helpful, thoughtful, and considerate guy. I am so proud of him. He would like for me to say that he is my favorite. He is without a doubt in my top 4. I am completely honest and tell the boys that I do have favorites. The favorite just changes hourly some days.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
And Baby Makes 7!
The Beam family is expanding. We are expecting a baby in October. We have officially told all the boys and the responses were mixed and expected. Josh pointed out that he will be 30(gasp) when this baby is 15 and be the weird older brother who doesn't get their jokes. David said that he would like another brother as he would only like to have an older sister(sorry about that one bud!). Joey said Yeah! and said that he would have someone to beat at Halo. Seth will probably get the idea of what's going on when we don't send it home. This was unexpected to say the least, but not unwanted. We are already having some complications and would covet your prayers. I must say that Matt dealt with the news much better this time. He usually goes to bed and pulls the covers over his head. This time, not only did he stay upright, he also expressed delight. Thank you for that Matt, it means a lot. To all of you rooting for a girl... I am only asking for healthy. I know only that it will be a boy or a girl and a Beam. Can you believe that there will be 7 of us???
Thursday, February 14, 2008
The Forgotten Firstborn
When I began this blog, my oldest son Josh asked me not to write anything embarrassing about him. I think that I have been overzealous in this pursuit. I realized today that not only do I not write about the embarrassing stuff, but I rarely mention him. Let me assure you that it is only an oversight. I am extremely proud of my firstborn son. He is a handsome, tall, strong, and brilliant young man. He is our comic relief, our artist-in-residence, and my right-hand man when Matt isn't around. I know that he will be mortified to read this, but maybe it is a good thing to hear how much your mom loves you.
The Spoils of War
I told you the other day about the guys going off to war to play airsoft. Well, David brought something back. He charged up a hill and took a direct hit in the face. Matt told him there was a fine line between bravery and stupidity and he had crossed over. I took one look and all I could see was a divet in my childs handsome face. I called this the "spoils of war" because that is how David views it. I see the potential scar and all he can say is cool! Ladies please, if we have a blemish do we not try and cover it? I am trying to slather the kid in neosporin and vitamin e so the scar will be minimal and all he wishes is that the pellet had lodged in there so he could squish it around. I am totally bewildered. The guys really did have a great time though, they played from 9 til 8. I think they have finally gotten over the sore muscles and fatigue. I wonder if they would go on a marathon shopping trip if I let them go armed and called it a battle? Mothers of sons unite!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Life Is Not A Butt
Sometimes the choicest bits of wisdom come in the smallest packages. Just the other day, for instance, I was changing Seth's diaper and he laid this bit of truth on me. Let me begin at the beginning. I was changing him and he was singing "Row row row your boat". It was so cute, he sang the merrily part as "Mary, Mary, Mary, Mary" and then the song stopped. I thought that I would be helpful and finished the line for him. "Life is but a dream". He looked at me with his little brows furrowed and said "Mom, life is not a butt." Well, I have to admit, he had me there. I really didn't know how to pull out of that one with grace, so I swallowed the laughter and said yep, you're right. He really is, life is a gift, not a butt. We (me) moan over circumstances when in reality, it is what it is. A dress rehearsal for the real thing in Heaven. I think that Seth is witty and wise and really cute. I just hope he doesn't get too deep for me, I don't dig all that fast.
Friday, February 8, 2008
Off to War
Matt and the two oldest boys left a few hours ago to play a game called airsoft. It is basically a war simulation using automatic weapons that shoot small plastic pellets. They claim to have a ball doing it but I have seen the welts it leaves. As they were leaving, Josh and David kept telling the little ones that they were off to war. I think they just really wanted to rub it in that they were getting a priveledge the other two couldn't have. I myself am house-bound for the duration. The three of us here don't fit in Matt's truck. Some people may find this to be a drag. I myself am thinking that it is an opportunity to stay in my pj's all day tomorrow. I am also looking forward to alone time with my two "babies". It isn't that often that they are allowed to act their age. With the peer pressure of their older brothers, they tend to act a little older than they are. For two days I get to revel in the antics of six year-old and two year-old little boys. We get to be silly and go to bed early, and laugh at nonsense just because we can. War, what is it good for? Sometimes, in the right situations, it can be good for the soul. Thankyou God, for giving me this time with my sons.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Livin' In A Man's World
As a naive girl of 16, what I wouldn't have given to be surrounded by 5 handsome men vying for my attention. As a grown woman who takes care of all those guys, I need some estrogen! I love my guys, but there is only so much excitement I can show over the amount of blood spilled on a video game. I can only admire so many huge poops. I can only stand so much talk of boogers and brains. I think to counteract all this mess, I need a room. Something so girlie that the men in my life would be afraid to enter. I know, a bathroom. With a pink toilet that doesn't even let the seat lift up, a huge pink and lavender polka dotted tub full of pink bubbles. No, pink is not my favorite color, think of it as more of a pest repellant. Maybe the next time the boys start thinking about a war party I can push them into a scrapbooking session. I wonder if waxing our legs would be gross enough for them to pass as a mother-son bonding time? I will end with the soundtrack of my life playing loudly in the background... "Did I shave my legs for this?"
Monday, February 4, 2008
Daddy Longlegs
Have you ever heard that the daddy longlegs spider has deadly venom, but that his mouth is so small that he can't hurt people? I grew up hearing that tale. I don't know if it is really true or not, but for the sake of arguement let's assume it is. I think that Matt is like a daddy longlegs. No, he isn't poisonous. He looks harmless enough on the outside, but on the inside, when it really matters, he means business. He is the best husband and father that I could have ever hoped to be blessed with. He is quiet and humble on the surface, but is strong and protecting to everyone he loves. He is a hard and tireless worker, who strives not only to provide, but to please and pamper us as well. He is uproariously funny, when you take the time to listen. He is fun to be around, he plays as hard as any of his sons. He is so strong that he carries this family on faith alone. I dearly love this man. I am amazed that God gave him to me forever! I am so glad that we live by grace and not by merit, because I definitely did not merit him. Thank you, God for the man You allow me to call husband and my children to call "Daddy".
Thursday, January 31, 2008
All Things To All People
What is fair? There really is nothing in life that is fair. We were never told that it would be. So why on earth do we all go looking for this myth? My children were all born with "fair" tattooed on their brains. I have never set out to disillusion them, and still they demand for everything to be fair. Matt and I have spent the better part of 14 years telling them that their reward comes later. They were never promised that life would be fair or easy, only that they would receive eternal life through Christ Jesus. We are even told that we are not of this world, that we are aliens. That should tell us that the pie will not always be cut into equal pieces. I love my four sons. I do not enjoy the feeling of being torn into parts to satisfy the mob. I love them all the same, priorities have to shift according to need and convenience. I do not have a vendetta against any of them at any time, only a desire to help. I think that I am going to purpose to be a loving and obedient daughter to my King and pray that the "fair" mother stuff gets sorted out in the wash.
Monday, January 28, 2008
True Love
Have you ever thought about how many times a day we use the word love? I love chocolate, I love these shoes, I love that movie... I have been thinking about the real meaning of the word. Websters defines love as " a deep and tender feeling of affection and attachment to a person or persons." Try as I might, I don't see anything in there about Hersheys or even Keds. We use that word so carelessly, I look into the eyes of my children and see it there. I can feel the love they have for me, from the teenager on down the ranks to the baby. I know what I feel when I think about them and my husband,and shoes don't hold a candle. Now for the part that really blows me away. "For God so LOVED me He gave his only son..." God loves me, He has a deep and tender feeling of affection and attachment for ME!!!!! How cool is that? I am amazed that He can love me even more than I love my boys or they love me. I think Websters should have a new category for that kind of love. True love.
Friday, January 25, 2008
How Much Phlegm Can A 23lb Body Hold???
The Beam Family has a cold. Well, not the whole family, just the three smallest ones. Joey started "it" while we were on the youth retreat, so my mom got the brunt of that one. Seth was getting "it" when we got back. David has had "it" since Thursday morning. Josh and I have been desperately trying to get "it" but so far no luck(we both want time off). I think that Seth has probably had the worst time. Last night was the first time all week that he slept through (I have been awakened every 10 minutes to hear that he loves me, has a giant cough, and is not feeling well. I also get him coughing directly in my mouth. Ain't parenthood grand!) I think that there has got to be some untapped use for all that phlegm. I mean really, we use manure for fertilizer, surely there is something we can do with it instead of wrapping it up in lotion coated kleenex!!!!!! I hate to be vulgar or gross(not really I just try to look good) Lets get together out there scientists of the world. I'm sure that in a time of warfare, snot bombs would be just as effective as an explosive one. Who could take themselves seriously if they were covered in goo? World peace is just one cold and flu season away. Maybe I should think about a patent.....
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
I Have Been Replaced
I know, I know, I offered to go on the youth trip. I know, I know, it was wonderful of my mom to come all the way to Charleston to keep the little boys so we could go. I think I now know what the injured quarterback feels like watching the second string guy throw completed pass after completed pass. Mom did such a wonderful job with Joey and Seth that they have asked everyday since she left if she could live with us. Seth tells me 20 times a day that he misses Nannie and asks where she is. Seriously, I am so blessed to have a mom who drops everything in her life to try and help us out or to make things easier for us. She is great with the kids and is just a great mom and grandmother. To really tell you how great she is, she did all of my laundry!!!! For those of you that know my mom, that just ain't her. I am really trying to look into everyday life at all the ordinary stuff and see all the extraordinary blessings that God bestows on me all the time. Thank you Lord that you have blessed all of us with a wonderful Nannie.
Monday, January 14, 2008
A Professional 2 Year Old
Philip Seth Beam has found his calling. That's right folks, he has taken the art of the two-year-old to new and daring heights. Not only does he have a tantrum when he doesn't get his way, he also has one when he does. His favorite time of day is early in the morning when he spends time over breakfast with Matt. Today he asked for a pop-tart. Matt jumped to do his bidding and brought it right out. When the requested tart was presented to him, he put himself in the corner to pout. He screams when you do, he screams when you don't. Go figure. The blessing I got from this was that at least this tantrum was quiet since his brothers were still asleep. I wonder what he'll do when he turns three since he is so good at two?
Thursday, January 10, 2008
A Day In The Life
You get a real glimpse of the word you live in sometimes through the eyes of your children. Tonight I had the rare honor of explaining a "meth lab" to my sons. We were driving home from the library and happened upon a drug raid. Needless to say, the flashing police lights caught the attention of the younger two, but the handcuffed culprit writhing on the ground is what the older boys noticed. No matter how safe and protected you try to make their world, the "real world" seeps in. I don't want to keep them in a bubble, I just want to let reality in as they are old enough to handle it. I looked at this as a teachable moment and we all (yes, even Seth) discussed the horrors of drug abuse. I let them know that you can allow yourself to be enslaved by lots of things, drugs, the internet, tv.... I am so glad that I am the one to talk this through with them. I guess you should look for blessings in every part of life. One of mine came today in the form of a drug bust. God is so good!!!
Monday, January 7, 2008
Thank God Almighty Paid At Last
I mean that as a prayer, not in vain. As most of you know, Matt has not been paid by his company since the first week in October. We like to say he has gone on to volunteer. Well, on Friday he received (and immediately deposited) his first check in 3 months. I would love to say that I have been an amazing and supporting wife through this ordeal but that would be a lie. My dear husband has prayed over this and felt that staying with the company was what the Lord wanted from him. He stayed the course and was faithful. I am so proud of him and his faith. For those of you that know Matt, he loves a black bottom line!!!!! This was no easy thing for a man that loves to save, to trust when there is no money coming in and 6 people to take care of (1 of whom literally grows an inch a week). God has been so gracious and loving and generous. All of our bills were paid, nothing was late. No one went without, even for Christmas. The boys all got what they wanted. Our family pulled together and trusted in the Lord and He rode us right through the roughest storm yet. Even the boys were great. The oldest knew what was going on and they told us privately to make sure the little ones had a nice Christmas and worry about them later. My Lord Jesus didn't just give me life, He iced the cake with a family that awes me and humbles me to the core. Like I said before, Praise My God Almighty, for He is Worthy to be Praised.
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Happy Birthday to the New Year!!!!
Can you believe it is 2008 already? I find myself writing 1998 sometimes, so I know I'm in for it. 2007 has been a year of the trial and miracle. Our family has gone through one of our most trying tests of faith financially. It isn't over yet, but I am so glad to say that God has carried us through beautifully. He is forever amazing me with the depth of love He shows us. The boys had a great Christmas and Matt and I loved watching them. We got to go home to NC and see family and friends which was nice. I have some photos to put on my blog, Matt just has to get them in the right file and then I will share. Until then, enjoy this.
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